Does My Small Business Need a Website | SMEs Solutions


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If you're asking yourself, "Do I need a website for my small business if I am present on social media to reach my customers?" Then you are at the right place because today we're going to tell you the reasons to build a website for your small business.

44% of small businesses with no website are now planning to have one in 2021. After the Covid-19 pandemic, social distancing has caused many physical businesses to suffer badly, that's why more and more businesses are transforming their businesses online. Now, small businesses need to present their business online, especially in the form of websites to gain more profit. 

There's no denying that social media does help small businesses to build an online presence, but it's only helpful to provide basic information to your customers. Your customers will trust your business more if you have an authentic website because it is a one-stop-shop hub for them to know about your business and to make a purchase from it. 

You can showcase your products or services through a website and attract your customers more efficiently by providing your visitors exceptional user experience, eye-catching visuals, engaging content, interactive navigation, and much more. Therefore, having a website increases your chance to attract more customers through various means and converting them into active buyers. 

However, having no website for your business can lead you to lose your potential customers because people are now more digital-savvy than ever, and they have become so impatient that if they don't find your business's website, they'll simply go elsewhere to make a purchase. 

5 Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs a Website

If you are still thinking about why does your small business needs a website, then read on to know the reasons. 

  • You can showcase your products/services more effectively

If you build a website for your small business, you can showcase your products/services more effectively. However, attracting more customers to your website needs a couple of strategies such as optimizing your website for search engines, providing exceptional user experience to your customers, simple yet promising visuals, top-notch content, and much more. But putting these efforts into your website will surely get you more customers to your business. 

  • You can establish trust

You also get attracted towards various businesses through social media ads/posts, but when you open their page, and you don't find any authentic website there, you leave that page immediately! That's because you fail to trust their business. Your audience is just like you, they also expect your business to have a website. 84% of consumers believe that a business with an authentic website is more credible than one that has only a social media page. 

  • You have full control

Unlike social media platforms, where you don't have full access to communicate your brand's message freely, a website gives you full control to create your brand awareness in whatever way you want. It is hard to keep up with the algorithms of social media platforms as they continue to change, and if you make the slightest mistake of posting content against social media rules, they can ban or even suspend your account, ultimately you'll lose all your followers that you gained by investing your precious time. 

  • Get more traffic

You go to Google to search for almost everything, right? Be it searching for a nearby cafe, mechanic, hospital, and whatnot. According to the study, around 81% of customers search for products online before making a purchase. So if your business is present online, you can get more traffic. 

  •  Your business is available 24/7

Your customers don't need to purchase from you only at business hours, they can reach you at midnight or decide to make a purchase early in the morning, so if your business isn't accessible to them 24/7, you can lose some potential customers. However, having a website will solve your problem or losing customers because it will be available to them at any time. 

Final Thoughts

You know all the important reasons to get a website for your small business, now if you haven't considered getting a website for your business yet, consider it now to gain the full advantage of an online platform by showcasing your products/services to your customers. 

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